Thursday, April 28, 2005

No babies, but lots of money.

Yet another month gone by and still no pregnancy for us. This SUCKS. We've now been trying for our little bundle of joy since December (actively trying since January). I never ever thought that it would be hard, but I did have fears about it. I really hope nothing is wrong and it's just taking a little while for us. I know all the stats and figures and stuff say that a NORMAL couple takes 6+ months to conceive. And even then only 89% of couples will conceive within a year of trying... I know that's a lot, but that still leaves 11 girls who don't. I'm scared that we're gonna end up being one of those. But then in the back of my mind, I'm completely positive about the whole thing (which is very unlike me). So... I guess you just never know.

Life is treating us fairly well right now, though... John got the "big" bonus at work last month - $1700!! And it looks as though he'll be getting it again this month. We have so many things that we need that money for - a new roof, fix my car, carpet, re-do the bathroom and the kitchen... etc, etc, etc. But of course, taking after my parents, we went and spent it on a new laptop for John. Hehe... Oh well. He loves it; it makes him happy. I got a pair of new shoes... That makes me happy. We also got new cell phones... Our Sprint contract is up 5/6, so we went ahead and switched over to Cingular. Yippee!! =)

Reminds me, I need to send out an email to let people know since our numbers are going to be different... Guess I should get on that. Hopefully I'll be back soon to share more of my life.

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