Friday, June 17, 2005

Just Another Day

Man am I tired. I had the beginnings of a migraine yesterday, but took the afternoon off and went home to sleep. That helped - it never got to full blown (thank goodness - especially because I'm out of excedrin, which I couldn't have taken anyway). My hips have been hurting lately - probably just normal growth stuff. Not fun, though. Three weeks from today is my next doctor's appointment!! I'm so excited.

Not a whole lot is going on these days... I just go to work and then go home and veg in front of the TV until bedtime. Usually I get up and make us a little dinner, but that's getting harder because I've started having some pretty bad food aversions and even worse is seeing dirty dishes... Which applies to even dishes that we JUST ate off of. I just can't handle it!! Even thinking about it starts up the gag reflex. =( Oh well. Gotta deal. I have a bunch of housework to catch up on this weekend - laundry, dishes, just general picking up, that kind of stuff.

Well, I have John on the phone, so I'm gonna go for now. =) Happy Friday!!!

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