Sunday, June 10, 2007

One down...Five to go

Junior High camp starts today... We've got 160+ gonna be here. Yikes. But that's nothing - we had 180 last week for Senior High. It's so great that camp is growing again. I'm still miffed that so many bunks were removed from cabins and then DESTROYED. I mean, come on - we could really use some of those beds now. And where are all the mattresses???? (And why is the rum always gone? Just kidding.) Back when I went to camp here, we could sleep 18 per cabin!!!! Now it's down to 12-13! That's a LOT of campers that we could be housing that we are unable to. Granted, there's a lot of space in the cabins now, but seriously it wasn't THAT bad when I was a camper. In fact, I enjoyed having so many in our cabin.

On to other things...

Brayden STILL isn't talking. He's started mumbing sentences in toddler-speak, but I can't understand a word of it. Every now and then there happens to be an understandable word, but I never know if it's on purpose or not. Like he says something that sounds like, "Gotta go!" (for going outside), but I'm not sure if that's actually what he's saying. He has started being able to point to body parts when asked. His favorite is his belly button (and jamming his finger in anyone else's too!). I know he knows how to count - he says something like "one, two, three" and then does something like fall down or throw a ball. Also, his Baby Tad (a Leapfrog stuffed animal) has a 6-minute lullaby countdown, but you have to hit the button 6 times to get it to the limit. He knows how many is 6 - he'll press it 6 times and then stop and smile. And he got out my rubber gloves the other day and put them on. He LOVED camp last week... He got to swim, run around, eat lots of food AND play on some big congo drums (there's a name for them like jimbo drums or something, but I'm so un-musically inclined that I have no idea what they were saying they were, and even if I did, I couldn't spell it). He is going to be like Daddy and play every instrument he can get his hands on. But I think he's always going to lean toward the drums.

Tyler is cooing more and more everyday. He has started being able to see farther distances - he'll track us as we walk across the room. He is such a cuddler. He HATES being put down or left alone. He almost rolled over the other day, but alas, it was just chance. He loves his swing and being strapped onto me in the Bjorn carrier. I've mastered being able to have Tyler strapped to me and carrying Brayden on my hip at the same time. Oh... by the way, Ty's 2 month well-baby appointment was last week... he is up to 14.5 lbs!! Brayden got on a scale, too - he weighs 25. Both boys have nice little round bellies. We still haven't found a food that Brayden won't eat.

Well, anyway... time is ticking away and the campers will be here before I know it - before I'm READY for it. So I gotsta git. Please keep us in your prayers - trials seem to be the norm this year and it's starting to wear on us. Thanks!!!

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