Saturday, August 29, 2009

Positive Thinking

So last night I was trying to go to sleep, and I realized that lately, I've been nothing but complaints about being pregnant. So I decided I'd try to be a little more positive and try to enjoy these last few days of pregnancy. Mainly because I am not 100% sure that they won't be my last for good. So here are some key points I came up with...

-- Being pregnant means you can eat what's in front of you and people don't judge.
-- The clothes are actually pretty cute for the most part - and I can wear sweat pants or athletic shorts and have great reason to!
-- The feeling of a moving baby in your belly is a very unique thing that is actually quite reassuring.
-- I can actually say, "Hey I NEED a nap" and usually get one at some point.

So that may be a measley list to some, but for a "realist" like me, it's actually pretty good. haha I've given up with the thoughts of going early... I am just gonna resign myself to having 11 days to go and try to get as much done as I can in those days.

I made a new desktop today to try and remind myself to not be so negative and to let God into my attitude a little more. I realized that my life has been a pretty good void of Spirit Fruit lately... It's got pictures of my two bigger boys in their first month of life to also remind me that I have two other "babies" that I still need to be focusing daily on. I actually really like it....

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Thank you for telling me that you love my blog. :) I seriously can't wait for Logan to get here...I take pride in knowing I will be his first "rival"!

Great desktop, so sweet!!!!!