Monday, August 08, 2005

Dr's Appointment

Got up this morning to go to the doctor for my monthly check up. John was going to go with me, but that was before we rented the doppler - the only real reason for him to go would be to hear the heartbeat, so he just stayed home. Stinker.

So basically, I get to the doctor at 8:15 (appointment is at 8:30). Get called back promtly at 8:30 and get to go in the cup and get weighed (I gained a pound) and then get sent to the exam room. The nurse came in and listened to the heartbeat - I asked her if she thought it was a boy or girl and she goes, "OH! Don't make me say!" And I said, "Well, I've had a feeling all along that it's a boy." And she responded with, "If I had to guess, I'd say boy." =) Then she said, I don't think Valery is here yet, but she should be here really soon, so just sit tight.

Good thing I brought a book.

35 minutes later, Valery came in. Finally. I was starting to debate about taking a nap on the exam table!! Hehe! Well, she talked to me for a few and then felt my belly to see if she could feel my uterus and that was it. 5 whole minutes with the doc. Wah-hoo. Good thing I'm not paying for all these visits or I'd be one ticked off momma. Anyway - I got to make my appointment for my "big" ultrasound - Sept. 19. I wanted it earlier, but the tech is only there on Mondays and Thursdays and the Monday I wanted, she wasn't going to be there. So I said, "Okay, how about that Thursday." And the receptionist goes, "WEEEEELLLL... Since Valery's new, we haven't gotten her Thursday schedule yet, so we don't know what weeks she's working..." So I had to bump it ANOTHER week. Oh well. At least the baby will be big enough by then that we should be able to see the sex without any problems (yes, we're finding out). The other good news is that my OB/GYN practice just bought a 3-D ultrasound machine and Valery said it should be up and running in no later than 5 weeks, and since my ultrasound is scheduled for 6 weeks from now, I'll almost for SURE get a 3-D ultrasound!!!!! YIPPPEE!! John's super excited about that, too.

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