Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Jeans and Headaches and Heartbeats, Oh My!

John finally got his bonus from last month on this paycheck. So I got to go find myself a pair of pants that would actually fit me. My jeans aren't so bad, they're just getting tight - and that makes it hard to sit in them all day. So we went to Target and I found a pair that I like... I tried on some maternity pants, but WOW - I think they must make them for women with ghetto booties. I couldn't see myself EVER fitting into a pair of those. But I guess I shouldn't be too sure.

Yesterday I woke up with the worst headache - I think it's from sleeping with my head at weird angles through the night. Anyway, it didn't go away ALL DAY LONG. I took Tylenol, drank some Dr. Pepper, tried to lie still on the couch... NOTHING worked. I ended up going to bed with it still hurting. But it was okay when I woke up this morning. I'll tell you something that was GREAT about the day, though - John was home from work all day and spent the afternoon cleaning. He did the dishes, took out all the trash, vacuumed, and picked up clutter that was EVERYWHERE. He deserves the "Husband of the Year" award.

Then TODAY I got a fetal doppler in the mail that I rented from sweetbeats.net. I can use it at home to listen to the baby's heartbeat. So John finally got to hear the little thing today at lunch. He looked so proud. He's gonna make a great daddy. I'm probably going to spend way too much of my time for the next month listening to the little thumping. It's such a comforting sound.

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