ANYWAY... I just saw a friend's blogger site and she's started blogging letters to her two little girls. I thought it was a fantastic idea, but I'd never keep up with it. Sigh. I wish I could. I need to get out of this pity party, though.
Brayden has now started talking in almost complete sentences. It's kind of happened gradually,so I haven't noticed it quite as much as John. But since he's not in the house all day, he keeps commenting on how many more things Brayden is saying these days. Like last night, they were taking a shower and B goes, "It's raining!" He's started liking "The Very Best Nest" book for bedtime - mainly because there's a big bell in it and he gets to go "bong! bong! bong!" really loud and with motions... He's very into the whole sound effect thing right now. He'll tell you there's a bug and then he'll shake his hands and say, "buzz buzz" (like he's trying to show you what the bug does). He also does airplanes, trains, trucks (big trucks!) and anything that makes loud noises, like thunder or growling animals. He's become obsessed with chocolate milk. The neighbor's dog is Chocolate, so he's started calling him Chocolate Milk.
Tyler is our little ham. He's started figuring out that he can make people laugh and he loves to do things to bring out that response. He's a generally happy baby, but when he gets mad about something, his fit is pretty intense. He's been learning from Brayden, though, so what less could you expect?
I'm cracked up because both of my boys are pizza freaks. I fixed them a Tony's the other night and I really believe it was the first meal EVER that neither of them dropped any on the floor. Speaking of dropping on the floor... meal times are like a warzone in the kitchen. I sometimes think these boys are actually having food fights just to spite me.
We had a great Memorial Day on Monday. We grilled out for supper and then Brayden got to play with the hose. That was the end of the great day. When we had to turn off the water, you would have thought we told Brayden that he could never have another cup of juice for the rest of his life. The fit lasted for 2 hours. Seriously. I'm not kidding at all. I tried everything to get him to calm down; he'd have none of it. I ended up just turning off his lights and closing his door and letting him just cry it out. He fell asleep by the door - he had pulled his pillow and blanket off of his bed and made a little nest right by the crack. He woke up fine the next morning... Here's some pictures:
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