Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I sit here day after day doing work stuff, play stuff, nothing at all... and I sometimes think to myself, I need to blog. But I haven't gotten around to it. I'm just too lazy sometimes. I was doing a "Top 5 Things I Hate Doing" on Facebook and realized that I pretty much hate doing anything that takes any effort. I'd be a good multi-trillionaire. I would spend everything I have on other people, though. haha I really enjoy spoiling those around me. John can attest to this - he has pretty much everything he thinks he "needs." Even if we can't really afford it, I come up with ways to scrimp somewhere else to get things for him. But then there's myself... I really WANT some cute maternity clothes. I mean, I am seriously dying to buy some. I've even filled up my Old Navy cart online yesterday just to look at it and sigh. I realize, though, that I was brought up to be selfless like this - I can't remember my mom EVER spending extra on herself unless it was her birthday. So I'll just keep wearing my teeshirts and my hand-me-down maternity shirts and be happy because everyone else around me has everything they want - and that makes me happy too.


Lisa Laxton said...

You are too sweet for your own good..well for your own wardrobes good anyways! ;)

Anonymous said...

I find it so hard to do the same for myself sometimes. You always want to make sure your babies have everything before you do...I feel guilty too sometimes Lori...but you need to remember that you have to spoil yourself sometimes makes for a healthier realtionship with yourself...go out and spoil yourself...or I will have to do it for you...LOL.. HereToSpoilRitzbits