Friday, May 26, 2006

If God Had a Myspace

So first it must be said that I'm getting kinda tired of the bulletins of "you better repost this - you never know when God may be testing you." In the old days, I'd get those emails all the time... A lot of times, it would be a really good email with a great message, but then at the end there was that stupid line - "if you believe in God, you will send this to 10 friends within the next 30 minutes or you'll burn in hell" (okay, so that's not REALLY what it said, but it was along the same idea lines).


I saw this bulletin from a friend of mine a few minutes ago about "If God had a myspace..." and it asked if God had a myspace, would he be number one in your top eight? And I stopped to think about that. (Of course I didn't repost the bulletin because... well, refer to the above.) Then I got into a convo with John about it. And he said, "Like God would have a myspace." But I think He would. I think He would enjoy having friends added to his list and posting bulletins with Words of Life. It'd be like the sermon on the mount, but it'd be the sermon in the blog. hehe. I hope I'm not being sacreligious. Back to the thought, though, of would God be number one? How many times do we (I) actually put God first in the everyday dulldroms (I know that's a word, but I have no idea if I spelled it right)? I mean, it may seem easy to say, "Yeah, sure He would be #1!!" But is he first on our list of everything else? Like our "to do" list? Or is he taken into account when we're thinking about the top eight movies we'd like to see. Or maybe the top eight things I'd do with a million dollars. Or the top eight goals for my life.

Just some random thoughts late at night. I hope they all made sense.
And... If you agree, you better respond to this blog or something bad will happen to you. (I just had to throw that in.)

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